Who doesn’t know them, those long meetings; you can hardly sit anymore, the back, the behind and the legs start hurting. All office chairs aren’t the same.
We accepted this challenged and developed a new office chair family that guarantees a pleasant level of comfort even over a longer period of time. What does the trick is the combination of a flexible back and an integrated sliding fit technology that make this chair consitutional and ergonomical.
This technology not only enables more free moving space but also quickly and easily helps the user to change between numerous seating positions.
In our focus was not only functionality but also and especially aesthetics and sustainability.
While developing we reduced CO2 usage to a minimum according to life cycle analysis I4SO 1044.
The chair family consists of cantilever chairs, four leg and two conference chairs – stackable and non stackable – as well as different accessories such as a writing tray or chain elements.
Even before the commercial launch Qivi chair family was awarded three design prizes:
RedDot, Good Design Award and Good Design Japan, furthermore the Gelber Engel for sustainability and its ability to be recycled. In 2011 and 2012 it was awarded IF Design Award and Spark Design Award Silver.